common lilac snowball bush

Share of people (aged 25–34) with a university degree or technical college qualification without migrant background (green) and with migrant background (purple) in Germany.

Syringa vulgaris (common lilac) neophyte from Turkey; Viburnum opulus (snowball bush) indigenous plant from Germany

Source: Florian Göttsche: »Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund«, in: Statistisches Bundesamt/Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin/Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (ed.): Datenreport 2018. Ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2018, p.33

Syringa vulgaris (common lilac)
Oleaceae (olive family)

Ornamental shrub, mostly multi-stemmed, up to 7 m in height, petiolate leaves, ovate to heart-shaped, flowers in its wild version are blue-violet, fragrant, in panicles. Spread by runners, can form large shrubs. Planted frequently.

Wild colonies in dry shrubs, for example in the vicinity of rocks or on flat ground. Cultivated in gardens and parks in numerous cultivars with white, pink, light to deep purple, rarely pale yellow flowers.

Native to southeastern Europe and northwestern Turkey. Cultivated in Central Europe since the early Middle Ages. Neophyte a wild plant, such as on the rocky slopes of the Middle Rhine Valley.


Viburnum opulus (snowball bush)
Adoxaceae (moschatel family)

Medium-sized deciduous shrub, often several shoots, 4–5 m tall, trilobate to pentalobate leaves with a beautiful fall foliage; white, striking flowers in golden cymes and bright scarlet fruits. Dispersal by animals, for example by birds and foxes.

Grows wild on rich soil at the edges of forests, in bushes and hedgerows. Often also planted, for example in gardens and roadside hedges.

Indigenous to Germany, natural area covers almost the whole of Europe, large parts of northern Asia as well as parts of North Africa.

University Graduates

Rojahn Ahmadi (1) arrived as a 2-year-old with his parents from Iran, Jakob Futorjanski and Ilya Shabanov arrived when they were nine and ten years old respectively from the former Soviet Union. Rojahn and Ilya met at a Berlin game developers, perfected their programming skills for years and founded the online portal OneExtraGames. After some fps-games, admittedly, their interests shifted.

As early as 2008, the idea emerged of developing scientifically substantiated training software for seniors. They were ready to start properly after they had passed their regular exams (2010) and were joined by business specialist Jakob Futorjanski.

In October 2014, they described the troublesome path of the following years to the Asian Entrepreneur Editorial Team in order to launch the program and the company NeuroNation with the help of neuro-scientists from Berlin and Dortmund and at times rather breakneck financing.

After a number of awards and the inclusion of the program in prescription services of health insurance companies, there are now more than three million customers worldwide that use and trust the training program. (2)

But this is just one example: Hundreds of other stories about startups by German university graduates are documented under the button Köpfe (heads) at the portal Gründerszene (3): The letter A alone includes 230 Köpfe – with and without a migration background.

By the way: Rojahn, Ilya and Jakob are said to have come up with their idea after watching an episode of ​​the WDR-programme Quarks & Co.


(1) See